
Shane & Erin Latham

Erin and I lead Endvision, a missions network committed to strengthening churches so they can plant new churches and send out missionaries. Endvision functions under the umbrella of  DNA Global Network, a mission agency focusing on serving church planting movements and mission’s sending movements around the world. DNA is led by Dr. Michael and Jo Beth Loftis, who also provide mentoring and accountability to us as a couple.

Endvision currently has two church-multiplication couples, Dennis and Geide, (church-planting in Havana Cuba) and Erin and I, (church-planting and serving church-planters in south Brazil.)

We currently have the privilege to serve as mentors to four church-planting couples as well as two church strengthening projects under the “Be” portion of our field assignment. To “Be” authentic disciples,” by investing in life-on-life discipleship and mentoring.

Under the second category of field assignment, “Share,” we share our  vision and resources with six Brazilian church planting teams.
     Our third mode of field assignment is summed up in the word “Go.” This refers to the hands-on deployment as part of the church planting team. Today we are on three teams. These are the Kahal Church team (led by Junior and Rosi) in Gravataí, the Monte das Oliveiras church from Alvorada (led by Lucas and Chris), and the Vem à Mesa house church in our home.

Lucas & Teresa Bair

Lucas and Teresa have been married since 1996 and have three sons, Nathaniel, Jackson, and Owen. Both Teresa and Lucas were born and raised in Iowa and both graduated from Faith Baptist Bible College with a B.A. in Biblical Studies. Lucas was the pastor of college ministries at Saylorville Church in Des Moines, Iowa from 2000-2007. In 2007 they became full-time missionaries with ABWE and moved to Brazil in 2009 where they are serving as church planters in Porto Alegre, the capital city of the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Their Ministry

The state of Rio Grande do Sul is the southernmost state and is one of the most under-reached regions of Brazil. While northern Brazil has seen much church planting success, southern Brazil, and specifically Rio Grande do Sul, lags behind as its distinct European culture and the prominence of animistic Afro-Brazilian religions impede the spread of the gospel. We are currently planting churches in the southern region of the capital city of Porto Alegre. This region has over 300,000 people and there are less than five orthodox, gospel centered churches. Our desire is to plant Brazilian churches that will one day raise up and send Brazilian missionaries to the unreached parts of the world.

Southern Brazil is currently facing various unique crises. The evangelical church in Brazil is plagued by financial corruption and the unbiblical use of overbearing authority. The society is reeling from a year long forced isolation from the total lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic. The family and the marriage relationship are being dismantled and torn down. In 2021 we launched a new church plant with a unique approach focused on making disciples in the midst of these crises. Instead of establishing one large church, we are planting various small, simple, relational, and family focused churches that will be networked together and have shared leadership. Your prayer and financial support allow Lucas and Teresa to continue making disciples and planting churches in the spiritually needy region of southern Brazil.

Deanna (Nan) Veach

I trusted Jesus as my Savior when I was young. however, the truth of the gospel became very real to me when I was in my 20s. I saw my life as a very poor reflection of Jesus, and I invited Him to do a work in my heart. When I became a mom, it was very important for me to help my own children understand the truth of God’s word and choose to live for Him. I learned about FCA when they were in high school and quickly fell in love with the ministry. After 10 years of volunteering as a huddle leader in our local FCA, I was invited to join Central Iowa FCA as an Area Representative. I’m so grateful for the continued support of many generous donors who’ve made it possible for me to be part of this ministry. I’m grateful to be serving in Eastern Polk and Western Jasper counties, including Grand View University, Southeast Polk, Prairie City-Monroe Newton, Bondurant-Farrar, Saydel, Baxter, and Carlisle High Schools. Together, we’re making a big impact!

FCA’s mission is to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.  Our vision is to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.  We desire to engage, equip and empower coaches and athletes to share the gospel on their teams and campuses!

My role on the high school and college campuses is to recruit, train and disciple the Adult Coaches and Character Coaches who work with the athletes in their schools. I strive to work directly with the student athletes and coaches to help them come to faith in Jesus, develop them to live it out through discipleship and by connecting them to the local church.

Josue & Prisca Akowanou

Josue Akowanou is a spiritual leader, known to many throughout Africa, because of his work with Youth for Christ.  He is a humble visionary:  he prays and fasts often to hear from the Lord for direction for his ministry.  He has developed a strong team of leaders to share the work:  both his pastors and many in support positions keep all areas of the ministry moving forward.  He continues to seek knowledge as he travels for ways to improve anything/everything that he is doing at home.  He networks with many pastors to share information and training.

When he turned 40, he was very concerned:  he had done so little!  In reality, he has done so much, with so few resources, but he has so much more he wants to accomplish for the Lord!  His vision for new ideas never ends!  He faces adversity daily and yet remains encouraged with the faithfulness of our Lord.  He knows it is only through our Lord that any of this has occurred, and he knows that the Lord has brought him this far, and will not abandon him now!  Please pray for his vision to share Christ with his entire country!


Lighthouse Recovery Ministries

We are a Non-profit, Faith based program for individuals seeking recovery pre and post treatment. With a Christ-centered program focused around learning daily life skills for a successful transition back to a drug/alcohol free life

Weekly groups offered for both men and women.

Hope Ministries

Our Mission

To rescue those who are homeless, hungry, abused or addicted, providing opportunities for hope, recovery and restoration through the love of Jesus Christ.

Since 1915, Hope Ministries has faithfully served people in Central Iowa experiencing homelessness, hunger, abuse or addiction. Our services are offered freely to anyone who comes here seeking help to overcome huge challenges in their lives and hope for a brighter future.

The support of our generous donors and volunteers makes it possible to rescue hurting men, women and children, meeting their immediate need for food, clothing and shelter. Our life recovery programs offer a clear path forward to those who need the love of Jesus in their lives and guidance out of desperate situations.